Held in the Unfolding

March 12, 2025

As the Eclipse season swirls around us, it's easy to feel pulled in many different directions—caught between the past and the future, between what we know and what we are yet to discover. The looking glass that reveals our potential also lays bare our vulnerabilities, and this duality can feel overwhelming, as if we are standing on the edge of something vast and unknown.


So, what supports us during such a transformative time?
What allows us to explore our vulnerabilities with safety and grace?
How can we embrace both the revealing of our potential and the tenderness of our edges without fear?


These questions—among many others—offer us a beautiful invitation for self-care and reflection. This season calls for moments of stillness, where we can listen to the gentle whispers of our heart and settle the waters within.

In these sacred moments, the elixir that comes to mind is Heart Activation Oil.


This botanical treasure, with its soft, nurturing fusion of vanilla and rose, envelops your skin after a warm shower or adds a touch of luxury to your sacred bath ritual. It is anointing, it is healing.


Infused with the crystal codes of Kunzite, Pink Tourmaline, and Rose Quartz, it brings a sense of deep love and emotional balance to the being, like a warm embrace from the inside out. Its delicate flower essence also offers support with the radiant Red Suva Frangipani—this indigenous remedy, often called "bleeding heart," is known to hold you when the earth beneath you feels unsteady, when the heart feels tender, and when change feels like both a breaking and a becoming.


In these moments of expansion and revelation, we hope this oil brings the gentle calm of the heart. May it welcome you to the deeper whispers within and help settle the waters of your soul with ease.



Heart Stillness Supports

Expressing your voice—whether through a heartfelt conversation with a friend, a journal entry, or a spontaneous song carried by the wind—allows emotions to flow and be released.

Clearing your home creates space for reflection, renewal, and letting go of what no longer serves you.

Meditation offers a pathway beyond the noise of the mind, inviting stillness and clarity. 

If you need support, apps like Insight Timer or Caitlin Cady’s Heavily Meditated can guide you into deeper presence.

Rituals, whether shared or solitary, bring us back to ourselves—an evening infused with music, candlelight, a warm bath, yin yoga, and herbal tea. These simple yet potent acts of self-care create moments of stillness, healing, and expansion.



Bath Ritual

Lunar Moonstone Bath Powder with a generous pour of Heart Oil, before you hop in... turn off your phone, lights the candles, pour a fav bevy and welcome a deep exhale. 


As you step in - bring your awareness to each part of your body immersing in the warm silk texture of the enhanced water. Let your breath go, let your day go, let the past go. 


Keep letting go all bath, just drop it all. 


As as you release the plug, feel the weight of all you have been carryiing get sucked down the drain. 


Feel space, breath light into those spaces within. 


If you feeling creative, write or draw what you going to bring in. if you not... curl up in your pjs and rest x


And just as ritual nurtures the spirit, so too does the warmth of home. A nourishing meal, rich with grounding ingredients—slow-roasted root vegetables, golden broths infused with turmeric and ginger, or a cup of cinnamon-spiced cacao—becomes its own kind of alchemy, anchoring us to the present.

May these moments of daily ritual bring you back to yourself.

Remedies that support

Heart Activation Mist – Our bestseller, loved for its sweet, soothing notes and effortlessly supportive vibe. With the same scent and essence blend as our beloved Heart Activation Oil, this atmospheric mist envelops you in an instant vanilla embrace, offering a moment of warmth and heart-centered connection.

Equilibrium Perfume Elixir – A ritual in a bottle, this natural perfume carries the same heart-opening fragrance in a silky, long-wearing elixir. Infused with a trinity of balancing crystals, Equilibrium invites harmony and presence, lingering on the skin as a divine sensory experience throughout the day.

Crystal Clear Mist – Your go-to for energetic clarity. This sacred clearing mist balances both self and space, creating an uplifting reset for any moment—whether it’s the start of the day, a new ritual, or the turning of the moon cycle. A fresh beginning in every spray.

Deepen into love

As the veils between past and future grow thin, we find ourselves standing at the crossroads of transformation. 
This is a precious opportunity to embrace ourselves more fully—without hesitation or fear. 
In these delicate moments, we are invited to meet our deepest longings, our quietest fears, and our boldest dreams with open arms, offering ourselves the grace to receive and release. 
Each layer of self-revelation, each tender edge that comes into view, carries its own wisdom, urging us to move gently with the flow of life. 
In this space, we can choose softness over resistance, surrendering to the unfolding process without force. We learn to trust that every moment of vulnerability is an invitation—an invitation to deepen into love, to heal the wounds of the past, and to step more fully into the radiant truth of who we are becoming. 
In embracing our full spectrum, we find the courage to become all that we are meant to be, allowing love to be the guiding force that lights our way.

Reclining Bound Angle Pose
(Supta Baddha Konasana)

A simple yet powerful way to integrate this sense of surrender is through Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose). Resting on the earth with the soles of your feet together, knees gently falling open, and heart space softening, this posture invites deep receptivity. Place one hand on your heart, one on your belly, and breathe slowly, allowing each inhale to expand through your being and each exhale to melt tension away. This pose, much like the Eclipse itself, teaches us to trust the unfolding—to open without fear, to soften into the unknown, and to remember that we are always held.