Essence of Self

Posted by Anna Whiting on

I was brought up to put others first, 
as a high empath, I took this responsibility throughout so many aspects of my life.
It's been such a journey to find the places this works and the balance to this commitment to make the world better. 

This Scorpio Season invites themes around recognising shadow without judgement deep self love that allows your heart to open and exhale, ownership of how we find balance with the essence of self.
So together lets take a look into the mirror - here we check where we are on the scale of self-care / self orientation / self responsibility. 
Average this scale ... 
When you wake up, is your first thought toward self or others? 1-10
When you look in the mirror, is your common thought "hello you" or what will others see 1-10 
When you go to the market are you focused on connecting with others or what you need to get for you 1-10
How much self care do you factor into every month? 1-10
We all fluctuate on this scale, especially us females ;) 
but the idea of this exercise is trying to find a balance between self orientation and self care. Taking responsibility for this balanced state with awareness and tools to do our best to balance the scale when we are in a 1 or 10 state long term. 
For me, my nurturing and nature make me a first to 1, to other. 
my go to was "If others are around me happy and stable, so am i" 
So i have been known to self abandon to serve others in the hope that i would then feel good. It worked sometimes. but when it didn't geez did it all come crashing down. 
So my work, and my balance of this scale is to self care first and them give from the embodied authentic me. this solves a variety of problems in my previous method. Examples of this include, moving my meditation time from evening when everyone in the house was settled. To first thing before i engage. This giving me a sense of who i am today before i reach out to others. This took some training with a young child in the home, but we got there and now it is completely respected and supported for me to have my 20 mins before breaky. 
And then there is the opposite end of the scale. the 10. An internal reality that self spins - when we get into these states (me at bleed time for example) we can lack a sense of how we land for others. And how to peacefully connect to the external world. Sometimes this just needs peace and alone time. But if we get locked in this space, we can loose the ability to authentically connect to others. 
So right now, being completely honest with self and without judgment
..... where are you on the scale. in life, today and in general. 
1 being the most self-sacrificing 
10 being the most self- orientated. 
This Season of Scorpio, lets move this to a sliding scale of 4-6, harnessing a balance of self care! 
See Rituals of Inspo article for self care ritual, tools and ideas for this season.

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