The Alchemy of Aligning Body & Mind : A Ritual for 2

Posted by Anna Whiting on

So we have invited the enquiry of Mental Mastery, committing our daily practises to mindfulness, through Meditation, and then soul work through rituals of self care and self discovery, such as Future Dreaming. 

Now the anchoring of the future dream, through the alignment of physical form. 

This ritual requires two people, and uses our Alchemy Healing Oil, as this elixir is created with a solar herbal infusion, botanical oils, flower and crystal essences that support a connection to a state of transformation. 

So we anchor the future dream, preparing a bottle of alchemy and a large bowl. 

We sit opposite eachother in meditation (you can use the Ritual for Future Dreaming here) offering a chance now to envision your future dream, get super clear, feel the textures of this vision, listen to the voices around, sense your own feelings and articulate your environment. Instead of writing this in a journal, we start to share with words. Your friend will pour the alchemy oil over your arms and massage your hands as you speak. You can keep your eyes closed and keep sharing, it doesnt matter if you jump around with thoughts, this is a space to explore this future joy, dream, vision and bring it into anchoring through your physical. Your friend massages your forearms, hands and fingers, clearing any blockages or boundaries to this state of future unfolding as it should. Share as much as you can and enjoy the beautiful space of being held in your potential. When you are complete, take a moment of quiet settling. 

And then hold the same space for your friend. 

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